dancer | choreographer | filmmaker Susanne Svantesson
Susanne Svantesson is a freelance dancer/choreographer and filmmaker.
Susanne has worked as a freelance dancer/choreographer and dance teacher since 1987 after graduating from the University of Dance, Stockholm. She has worked with many different choreographers in numerous performances and has also created her own productions since 1990. Susanne teaches contemporary dans, composition and improvisation.
Since the mid 1990s, Susanne has also been working with film. She has made several acclaimed films, including the portrait documentary The king of Herrvik – about the boat builder Axner Bodin from Herrvik on eastern Gotland, Men who dance – about older men from Gotland who start dancing contemporary dance and The body speaks all languages.
Susanne has made two productions where she was inspired by the sculptor Camille Claudel’s art and life story; the stage production Indigo, which premiered in October 2020 at “Länsteatern on Gotland” and the short film The Blue Dress, which premiered on December 8, 2021 in Stockholm.
Read more under Film-The blue dress
In June 2022 Partita premiered. This performance is a collaboration between Susanne and musician Lasse Pettersson. Since its premiere at “Länsteatern” in Visby, the performance has been played several times during the summer on Gotland, including at “Vibrationsverket” in Anga and at “Körsbärsgården” in the southern part of the island. See under Partita
Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna The classic world in Sweden – Sweden in the classic world is a project that has been going on for several years and of which I am proud to be a part. Now the evening, which includes talks, music and the historic performance The Academy of Dreamers – which includes my film – has premiered. Read more about the project and the performance under The Academy of Dreamers
In January 2023 Susanne made a new performance including dance and film and music by Carin Bartosch Edström. The performance Hylo is inspired by the Greek philosopher Aristotle’s theory of matter and form, called hylomorphism. Hylo was shown at Benhuset in Stockholm January 20 – 22 2023. More information HERE
At the same time Partita was played at Benhuset in Stockholm. More information HERE
News 2024
During April 2024, the performance Indigo will be rehearsed again and performed at `Länsteater på Gotland´ May 8 19:00.
“Choreographer Susanne Svantesson has created a strong performance in which a dancer, Unn Dahlman, portrays Camille Claudel’s sad, gripping fate. ” Eva Sjöstrand, Lördagsmorgon i P2 [Saturday morning in P2 -radio]
Another new thing coming up is DANCE FILM AND LECTURE – an event where I show the film The Blue Dress and talk about Camille Claudel’s artistry and destiny, the conditions for women artists in late 19th and early 20th century Paris and a little about the Swedish female artists who traveled to Paris during this time. I will also talk about how Camille inspired me, how it came to be a film and tell some anecdotes from the filming in Paris. There will also be time for audience discussions after the film and lecture.
The blue dress will be shown in Paris. Thuesday May 21 at Cecle Suédois. More information shortly.
Partita will be performed during summer on Gotland, where new collaborations are underway with exciting musicians in the program Baroque in music and movement.
More information about all these performances and events is coming soon.

Susanne has been awarded a grant from the Memory of Björn Lindroth Foundation for her work with film, the motivation
Susanne Svantessons films are not only documentations of a forgotten time in the history of Swedish Industry.
They are about human dignity.
She dares to describe in long sequences giving time for your thoughts to wander to the place she chooses while the sky over Gotland turns to sea.
Perhaps her works are about life´s meaning.