
The Academy of Dreamers
The Aceademy of Dreamers is a performance including music, film and recitation. The preformaNce is part of Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna, The classic world in Sweden – Sweden in the classic world, a huge project with science and art.
The king of Herrvik
The king of Herrvik [Kungen av Herrvik] is a documentary film about boat builder Axner Bodin from Herrik on the Swedish island of Gotland.

Men who dance
A documentary about a few men on the island Gotland in Sweden, who started to dance.
A gardener, a farmer, an academic… One is young, the others a little older… These men first started practicing modern dance in order to participate later on, in a dance performance at the Visby Cathedral.
How did they get started with this kind of dance? How did they get on? Who are they?
A film about men, courage and contemporary dance!

The body speaks all languages
How to live a dancers life, how to get it together in an everyday life with a husband and children, and move to a place where there is not much dance.
Is it possible to create a new platform? Is it even possible to continue dancing?
These are the thoughts that dancer, choreographer and educator Helena Högberg has when she moves to Gotland in the middle of her dance career.
Nacka mechanics - and the story about two brothers
A film about two brothers, their work and their life … a film about professional knowledge and pride.
[Nacka finmekansika verkstad – och historien om två bröder]

Several of the films are available on DVD
Films in production

[Far from the mainland]
A documentary film about two women who live on their respective islands, far out in the Swedish Archipelago.
They moved out there, one, in 1940, the other in 1950, with their husbands, had children and adapted to the archipelago way of life.
It was sparse in the beginning, without water and electricity. They earned a living through hunting and fishing.
A hard life, you might think, Kerstin Horngren och Emy Sundberg, alike and yet so very different.
Two strong women, each with a fascinating life.
What is it that makes us choose a different way of life?
What is it for these two women, that which means freedom, can for others mean loneliness and impossibility.
How was it to live far out in the wilderness in those days?
How is it to live there today?
There have been several magazine articles written about these fantastic women.
The latest article, in the Swedish magazine, Skärgården nr 4/2013 [Archipelago no. 4/2013], referred to their visit by the Care for Seniors welfare service.

Akta´re för kitt
[the title is an expression in Swedish]
Stepping into Ålstens Glasmästeri [Ålstens glazier shop] is like stepping into another world, into a calm, into something genuine where the meeting with the customer – the human being is the most important thing.
Here it feels as if time has stood still and one wonders if it looks the same in the workshop now as in 1925, when the glassworks started.
Here is Lars Olsson and his mother Gudrun, almost 85 years old, who together run the glassworks. Lars has taken over the company that his grandfather started and which has since been inherited within the family.
Lars puts a putty string in a window as easily as someone else draws a pencil line and frames paintings with great accuracy.
Gudrun receives customers, discusses frame choices and of course, she cooks lunch with the finest of ingredients, which the two eat together every day.
A film about Ålsten’s Glasmästeri and craftsmanship, a film about people and meetings.

Jag bär mitt kött
[workname, from a poem by Claes Andersson]
“In that case, I want to show everything”, Claes said when I told him I wanted to make this film.
What did he mean?
Maybe he did not just want to show and tell about the beautiful, not just show me a beautiful and well-polished surface. He also wanted to convey what may be difficult and dark, to be honest and sincere.
And so we started…
This is a long time ago, it was the autumn of 2011 and I had met Claes in connection with the filming of the documentary Men Who Dance. Claes composed and performed the music for parts of the dance performance in which these men participated. He was then also on stage for the first time, as part of the dancing male collective.
Our meetings piqued my curiosity.
I instinctively felt that Claes is a man of surprises.
He has already surprised me.
[Jag bär mitt kött] is a documentary about Claes Holmgren – cathedral organist in Visby Cathedral.

Invisible traces
A collaborative project with Vanessa McIntosh.
The project started during a residency at Vitlycke Center for the Performing Arts in 2015.
The short film has the working name Invisible traces.