Bara church

Performance in Bara Ödekyrka Bara ödekyrka är en smått magisk plats mitt på Gotland. Här har vi nöjet att mitt i högsommaren ge en konsertafton med dans. Välkomna onsdagen den 10 juli klockan 20:00. Fri entré.   Dansa och Blås! En konsertafton med musik för olika blockflöjter från barocken fram till vår tid. Och så […]

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Vamlingbo stage

Partita och The blue dress on Vamlingbo Kulturscen Jag är mycket glad över att vara en del av Vamlingbo Kulturscens sommarprogram 2024 Välkomna fredagen den 26 juli klockan 20:00. En tredelad kväll med dans – film – performance. Partita Susanne Svantesson ger  en dansad konsert tillsammans med Lasse Petterson, flöjt. Den blå klänningen är en kortfilm/dansfilm av

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The blue dress in Paris

The blue dress in Paris I am proud to announce that The Blue Dress will be shown in Paris! The screening, together with a lecture/talk, will take place at the Swedish Club/Cercle Suédois in Paris on Tuesday, May 21. Stay tuned for more information. More about the blue dress

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Happy New 2023!

Thanks for 2022 and HAPPY NEW 2023! 2022 went by and was filled with a lot of fun jobs, although at the beginning of the year you didn’t really know where it would go with the pandemic, restrictions and all the plans that floated around a little uncertainly… But it turned out well! The restrictions

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Free entrance, but you have to book your ticket here: Read more under the section DANCE INFORMATION AND BOOKING – BENHUSET (IN SWEDISH)

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New performance

In January 2023 there will be performances at Benhuset in Stockholm! Partita, which we played on Gotland this summer, will then be shown for the first time in Stockholm. And then there will be the premiere for Hylo, a completely new work with dance, film and music. Read more under the section DANCE INFORMATION AND

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Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna

on the Humanistic Theater in Uppsala. You can’t really see who they are in the dark, but I can tell you that they sound fantastic! What an incredible favor to have these people playing, singing and reciting while my film rolls in the performance The Academy of Dreamers. Here at the Humanistic Theater in Uppsala.

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