Order DVD
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Order DVD
Here, you will find some of my films which are available on DVD
They can be ordered by filling in the form below.
There is a brief information on each film.
Thank you and enjoy!

The king of Herrvik – about boat builder Axner Bodin of Herrvik on the island of Gotland.
Men who dance
A film by Susanne Svantesson
Price: 225kr
Delivery cost: 20kr
Film length 73 minutes, Subtitles – English.
Companies, Institutions, Associations and more (Institutional Rights): 600kr + Vat & delivery.
For Library Rights and for more information please contact Krapsan Production info@krapsan.se.
For information about screening rights, see Swedish Films website Here!
The king of Herrvik
A film by Susanne Svantesson
Price: 200kr
Delivery cost: 20kr
Film length 38 minutes, Subtitles – Swedish, English, German.
Companies, Institutions, Associations and more (Institutional Rights): 600kr + Vat & delivery.
For Library Rights and for more information please contact Krapsan Production info@krapsan.se.
For information about screening rights, see Swedish Films website Here!
Nacka mechanics – and a story about two brothers
A film by Susanne Svantesson
Price: 200kr
Delivery cost: 20kr
Film length 28 minutes, Subtitles – English.
Companies, Institutions, Associations and more (Institutional Rights): 600kr + Vat & delivery.
For Library Rights and for more information please contact Krapsan Production info@krapsan.se.
For information about screening rights, see Swedish Films website Here!
The body speaks all languages
A film by Susanne Svantesson
Price: 225kr
Delivery cost: 20kr
Subtitles – English.
Companies, Institutions, Associations and more (Institutional Rights): 600kr + Vat & delivery.
For Library Rights and for more information please contact Krapsan Production info@krapsan.se.
For information about screening rights, see Swedish Films website Here!
Fill in the form below and send.
Please be careful to fill in each of the obligatory fields.
When you have sent the form you will see a message affirming and thanking you for your order!
Shortly afterwards you will receive a message via email with information about payment and delivery.
Delivery approx. 3 days.