The blue dress

The blue dress

A dance film by Susanne Svantesson inspired by the life of French sculptress Camille Claudel.

Camille Claudel was a very talented sculptress who later in life was locked up in a mental hospital.

Here, she came to spend nearly 30 years of her life, years filled with the expectation that her sole visiter, her brother Paul, would come and visit.

The film reflects, poetically and fragmentarily, this time in Camilles life. 

The blue dress is the one Camille wore the last time Paul visited her and took her on a trip to the seaside.

The blue dress is also the title of a book by Michèle Desbordes of Camille Claudel.



The blue dress will be performed in Paris on May 21 on Cercle Suédois. More information shorly.


Choreographer | Direction: Susanne Svantesson

Music: Carin Bartosch Edström

Dancer: Unn Dahlman

Musicians: Ericsbergskvartetten; Catharina Ericsson – violin, Marie-Louise Sjöberg – violin, Boel Hillerud – viola, Sara Wijk – violoncel

Premiered December 8 in 2021 at `Teater Tre´ in Stockholm.


From recording parts of the film in Paris